Can you heal your family karma? Yes, you can!

familyHave you ever felt like you have no roots? The feeling that you belong everywhere and nowhere?

That was me until a few years ago. The turning point came when I became aware that I am more than just Marleen. That I am not alone here on Earth, but that I have a whole clan standing behind me, namely my ancestors.

As I learned and worked more and more on this topic, I noticed that my ancestors came closer and, in my perception, became more vivid. By that I mean, for example, a baby who died 80 years ago is no longer an unknown baby that I once heard about, but now he is my uncle Michel. He has his rightful place in the family system.

It's all for you and it's free.

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To tailor my blog articles and programs to the challenges you face in your life, I would like to get to know you better.
Who are you? What are your stumbling blocks? What motivates you? What are your dreams?  
Feel free to email me.

Enjoy your e-Book and see you soon.


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